Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Imagemakers' app engine helping heritage sites go digital

Heritage interpretation consultants Imagemakers have launched 'i-explore', an app engine designed to help the heritage sector embrace digital technology and increase learning and participation.

i-explore is not an app in itself, more a new engine specifically designed to power heritage apps. Based on the game of I-Spy, it combines visitor information and multimedia with game dynamics, in order to engage audiences.

For heritage organisations, an app powered by i-explore will help them tell inspiring stories by offering extra layers of interpretation like stunning photography and video, an immersive audio guide, GPS map trail or geo-cache trail and integration with social media.

They can use the app content to encourage visitors to follow a specific route to discover and learn about a place or object they may not have otherwise been found. i-explore can also be customised to integrate with existing brand designs or to include extra features like near field communication chips, QR codes, data collection or in-app purchasing to help with revenue generation.

For visitors, an i-explore app will enable them to explore a heritage environment or object on a deeper level, control what form they would like the experience to take, have fun playing game elements with friends or family, share their experiences on social media and follow-up a visit with app 'extras' available for download.

Imagemakers has recently launched apps powered by i-explore for a range of heritage sites such as museums, city regeneration projects, visitor attractions and nature conservation areas like the Natural History Museum; Edinburgh - World Heritage City; Bridgewater Canal Trail; Chester Renaissance; and the London Borough of Havering.

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